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As a senior IT professional , I often saw very big softwaredevelopments , like this cartoon very well explains.


Knowing who you work for is vital. Listening to a customer is so obvious, yet so often neglected.

Many IT professionals today strive to make the best technical solution but forgetting what software only is worth anything if it really solves a problem . As more and more developments have more and more possibities , often this leads to solutions much to difficult . Not sized for the customer .


That's where I figured out the need to get focused more on a customer . If you want to advice, you have to know your customer personally. . Of course if there is a need for a custom solution or integration, it has to be made with a development tool that lets you concentrate on the customer , not on the technique ,that is widely spread ,but easy to maintain . Thats the way how client solutions can be made quickly from a standard library , only giving you what you want ,leaving all the things you don't need out .


With the omnis software tool I found just that . And more ..I develop components that can run on allot of open source back ends ; making it interchangeble, maintainable and cheap to install at the same time .

I developed a large erp system with it ; only with one man .But also little apps as for a few user company. Little integrations that just fill the gap...After 25 years of experience with the tool, I can advice you what it really can do for you .Are you looking for that one missing tool Or ; if you want independent ,but very experienced advice .. just contact me!



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